
淡奶油做冰淇淋 🧊✨

导读 夏天来了,是不是觉得吃点冰凉的东西最爽了呢?🍦今天给大家介绍一种简单又美味的冰淇淋做法——用淡奶油做冰淇淋!Creamy and delicious

夏天来了,是不是觉得吃点冰凉的东西最爽了呢?🍦今天给大家介绍一种简单又美味的冰淇淋做法——用淡奶油做冰淇淋!Creamy and delicious ice cream is the perfect treat for hot summer days!🌞

首先,准备好你需要的所有材料:淡奶油( whipping cream)、糖和香草精。Make sure you have all the ingredients ready: whipping cream, sugar, and vanilla extract.👩‍🍳

接下来,将淡奶油倒入搅拌碗中,加入适量的糖,然后用电动打蛋器将其打发至体积膨胀,质地变得浓稠。This step involves pouring the whipping cream into a mixing bowl, adding sugar to taste, and whipping it with an electric mixer until it becomes thick and voluminous.🍰

最后,加入一些香草精增加风味,然后将混合好的淡奶油放入冰箱冷冻室中冷冻4小时以上,直至完全凝固。Once everything is well combined, add some vanilla extract for flavor enhancement, and freeze the mixture in the freezer for at least 4 hours or until fully set.❄️

这样一款自制的冰淇淋就完成啦!不仅健康,而且可以根据自己的口味调整甜度和风味,绝对是你夏日消暑的最佳选择!Now you have your homemade ice cream! It's healthier and customizable according to your taste preferences, making it the perfect summer treat!🎉

快来试试吧,享受制作的乐趣,品尝自制冰淇淋的美味!Don't hesitate to give it a try and enjoy both the process of making and the taste of your homemade ice cream!😋