

导读 ✨首先准备好食材:新鲜的青椒椒椒椒、土豆薯薯薯,还有葱姜蒜等调味料。👀第一步 Peel the potato and cut it into thin slices,...


第一步 Peel the potato and cut it into thin slices, then slice them into fine strips. 🥔

第二步 Wash the potato strips and soak them in water to remove excess starch for a crispier texture. 🛁

第三步 Clean the green pepper, remove the seeds, and cut it into similar strips as well. 🌶️

第四步 Heat oil in a pan, add garlic and ginger to stir-fry until fragrant. 🍞

第五步 Throw in the potato strips first, stir-fry over high heat to make them tender but not mushy. 🥣

Sixth step Add green peppers, sprinkle some salt and soy sauce, continue stir-frying until evenly mixed. 🧂

Seventh step Turn off the heat, plate it up, and enjoy this simple yet delicious dish! 🍽️

